
Developers receive 100% of the tip. Associated costs are charged on top of the tip amount, resulting in the final price to be paid.


At Opire, all prices are reflected in United States Dollars (USD). Therefore, when it comes to tipping, there is no need to specify the currency of the amount; it will always be USD.

The decision to use an international currency facilitates the comparison of the real value in relation to your local currency. Furthermore, this choice provides the advantage that developers can receive tips from anywhere in the world without having to worry about the complications of different currencies.

This approach implies that all transactions will be conducted in USD. When a user receives a payment, the amount will be reflected in the currency accepted by their bank. If their bank accepts USD, the user will receive the amount in USD. In the event that the bank only accepts a different currency, such as euros (€), the user will receive the equivalent based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction — a process automatically handled by Stripe. This simplicity ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for our users, regardless of their location or preferred currency.

Payment Method

Opire uses Stripe as the payment platform. Therefore, you can pay with any payment methods that Stripe provides.

When you create a tip on Opire, it's not necessary to add your payment method immediately. You can delay the payment and provide your data to Stripe only when you are ready to complete the transaction. To pay pending tips, go to your creator dashboard (opens in a new tab).

Minimum Price and Costs

You can start creating tips from as little as $1.

The total cost to pay will be the sum of the tip amount, plus the Stripe fee ($0.85 + 5.25%) and our fee (10% of the tip).

Our fee is significantly lower in rewards (4%), as we aim to support a collaborative environment where both developers and code owners can thrive in the open-source world.


Opire fee$0.50
Stripe fee$1.20