
Rewards are the core of Opire's philosophy, enabling individuals and companies to financially contribute to improving open-source projects through paid collaboration with developers, while assisting the code owners in the process.

As they are directly tied to solving a specific issue, they must be created within an issue; you only need to specify the amount you wish to associate with resolving the problem.

Whether you prefer to start with a more modest reward initially, you have the flexibility to create additional rewards for the same issue. When making the payment, all pending rewards will be combined in the same checkout.

Don't worry if you cannot single-handedly contribute the entire amount you believe the developer deserves for resolving an issue. Opire promotes a collaborative environment where the community can come together to support development, allowing multiple individuals to create their own rewards for the same issue. When the developer resolves it and claims the associated rewards, each reward creator will only pay for those they have created. One for all, and all for one! 🤝

Here you can see how to create rewards using the corresponding command within repositories that have our bot installed. If you don't have the bot installed, you can create rewards directly from your dashboard on our platform (opens in a new tab). 5