Getting Started

As a Code Owner

Optional Install the bot

The Opire bot allows any user to use Opire commands in repositories where it's installed, enabling interaction with the Opire platform without leaving your GitHub repository.

Even though it's optional (since rewards can be created from the web platform), we recommend using the bot to offer a better experience by integrating directly with the projects.

We recommend notifying your community that you are using Opire, so they can create rewards themselves or keep an eye on resolving issues. You can modify the of the repositories, communicate it in the community forum, announce it on Discord, etc.

Create your first reward (or let others create it for you)

If you are going to create rewards in your own repositories, check the section "As a Reward Creator".

As a Reward Creator

Create your first reward

With Opire, anyone can create rewards in any repository (whether or not Opire's bot is installed). In projects with the bot installed, you can use our commands. If you don't have our bot installed, you can create rewards directly from your dashboard on our platform (opens in a new tab).

Rewards can be started from $20. In addition to adding rewards to issues, anyone can thank a user's effort with tips starting from $1.

An issue can have associated multiple rewards, whether it's the same user creating them or multiple contributors providing different amounts: at the time of payment, each user will be responsible for paying their share.

Pay when someone claims your rewards associated with the issue

Once the programmer has claimed the rewards for the issue and it has been verified that the proposed change meets expectations, you can pay the rewards you have created for that issue from your dashboard (opens in a new tab). In case there are multiple programmers who have claimed the same issue, you can choose which one to pay. It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that their account is correctly configured to receive payments.

This is the moment when the reward transfer will take place along with the charging of the associated costs.

If multiple people create rewards for the same issue, each creator will be charged the corresponding amount so they'll only pay the sum of the rewards they have created.

As a Developer

Set up your Stripe account

To receive payments through Opire, you need to configure the payment platform in your settings (opens in a new tab). Failure to do so will prevent reward creators from compensating you for your great effort.

Find a rewarded issue and try to solve it

On our platform (opens in a new tab), you can search through all available rewards based on technology, price, etc. When you find an issue that you believe you can solve, try it to let the world know that you intend to claim the associated rewards after you solve it.

It's possible that some of the rewards created are in projects where our commands cannot be used. In those cases, you will have to claim them from your dashboard on our platform (opens in a new tab).

Create a PR and claim the reward

Once you have the solution to the issue, create a PR and use our commands (or our platform (opens in a new tab)) to claim the associated rewards.

This doesn't mean that you will be paid automatically. Reward creators will pay you when they confirm that your solution meets the requirements defined in the issue.

Since the same issue can have multiple rewards associated from different creators, each of them will pay their share separately (possibly at different times). In your dashboard (opens in a new tab), you can always see the pending amount for the rewards you have claimed.