If you have any questions or encounter any issues while using Opire, you can contact us through the #ask-us channel on our Discord (opens in a new tab), and we will answer as soon as possible.

Can Opire be used in private projects?

Yes, our commands can be used within private projects, but there is a detail to consider.

The created rewards will appear on the Opire platform, but developers without access to the project won't be able to try to solve the issues or claim the rewards.

If external people want to collaborate, they'll need to communicate directly with the project administrator to request access.

What if I don't get paid for the reward?

If you find yourself in that situation, we're sorry for what happened 💔

First, try to communicate with the reward creator. They may not be aware that they can already pay you, they may have forgotten, or they haven't been able to do so yet. We trust the community and its ability to resolve conflicts through dialogue.

Opire is a tool designed for the community, and we hope it is used in the right way. We understand that it's not always the case, and for situations where a user has created many rewards that they don't intend to pay, Opire has algorithms that detect such behavior and disable the user to prevent further harm to the community. These users won't be able to create more rewards until they process the payment for the pending ones.

Who is Opire for?

Several groups can benefit from Opire:

  • Developers: It is an opportunity to earn extra income without being tied to schedules or cumbersome procedures. Additionally, you'll enhance your skills by solving real problems in different languages.
  • Companies: We facilitate problem resolution in your project dependencies without involving your development team. Therefore, you can optimize your costs by focusing resources on what adds value to the company.
  • Open-Source Code Owners: You can leverage Opire to grow your community and keep your project alive with contributions from other developers.
  • Open-Source Enthusiasts: Unlike donation platforms, rewards on Opire are tied to a real project issue, directly impacting the improvement of code quality. You won't be an anonymous donor, instead you will actively participate in project enhancement and growth.
If I receive income, how do I declare the benefits?

Since you can receive income from anywhere in the world, we can't provide a solution that fits the requirements of each country (it's out of our scope).

The person receiving the income is responsible for complying with their country's legislation, declaring it as required in each case. You can obtain a list of your income directly from your Stripe account.

If I want to create rewards, do I have to configure Stripe?


You only need to enter a payment method when paying for the rewards you've previously created.

As a developer, what happens if I don't have my Stripe account configured when claiming the reward?

If someone has tried to pay you but your Stripe account wasn't configured, the payment cannot be processed, and we will notify you to configure your account. Once configured, contact the reward creator asking them to retry the payment process.

In which countries can I use Opire?

Opire does not explicitly prohibit its use in any country. However, when using a payment provider like Stripe, the user is subject to the conditions imposed by Stripe.

Before creating a reward, make sure that your country is supported on Stripe (opens in a new tab).

How do I know in which repositories I can create rewards?

You can create rewards in any public repository on GitHub.

On the projects page (opens in a new tab) within Opire, you'll be able to see the repositories where our bot is installed, within which you can use our commands.

You can use the search bar to find your favorite project, and if you can't find it, you can create rewards directly from our platform (opens in a new tab).

What happens to my money if Opire disappears?

You wouldn't lose a single cent.

At Opire, we don't retain funds for future use. Your money will always be in your hands until you decide to pay the developer.

We also won't ask for your credit card or banking information. We don't have access to that data (nor do we want it), so there will never be any unexpected payments.

When you make a payment on Opire, everything is handled through Stripe, and developers receive their share directly. Opire only keeps the corresponding % for our fee when processing rewards/tips payments.