Use Cases

Earn money by developing open-source software

Collaborate on open-source projects and earn money for your contributions. Use your programming skills and help improve software used by the community.

Practice programming languages by solving real-world problems

Improve your programming skills by solving real problems in open-source projects. Enhance your knowledge while contributing to real-world challenges using different programming languages.

Enhance your CV with contributions to real projects

Enrich your resume by highlighting your significant contributions to cutting-edge projects. Showcase to companies your practical experience and the ability to work in collaborative environments.

Incorporate paid technical tests for job offers

Include paid technical tests as part of the selection process in your company by adding rewards. Assess your candidates' skills while valuing their time and effort.

Improve your software through collaboration with external developers

Collaborate with other developers to enhance the quality and functionality of your software. Leverage the diversity of skills and perspectives to grow your open-source project.

Support open-source projects

Contribute to open-source projects by solving existing problems or adding rewards to motivate other developers. Participate in building active and sustainable communities.

Financially contribute to open-source maintainers

Contribute financially to support maintainers of open-source projects. Recognize the dedicated work of developers and help maintain the long-term viability of essential projects for the ecosystem.

Raise the quality of open-source software

Work collaboratively with other developers to elevate the overall quality of open-source software. Implement good development practices, review and improve existing code, and contribute to a more robust ecosystem.