
What is Opire?

Opire is a rewards platform for software developers.

This project borns with a clear objective: that anyone can make a living from open-source software. This includes programmers who want to focus on developing software and improving open-source code, as well as owners and maintainers of open-source code who contribute to the community with their projects.

With Opire, anyone can create rewards for open-source projects and grow their community, while developers can solve issues and earn the associated rewards.

How does it work?

Opire consists of two components: an bot (to install on GitHub) and a web platform (opens in a new tab).

The bot enables the use of different commands directly integrated with GitHub to interact with the platform: create rewards, claim them, and more. This allows for a more comfortable and integrated flow directly within developers' workspace.

Rewards can also be created and claimed from the web platform, which also focuses on their visualization and management. Among other functionalities, it allows advanced search (by technology, price...), payment for those already claimed, the history of those you have solved, or the configuration of your profile.

For a detailed view of the reward lifecycle, check out this section.

Why use Opire?

To explore other reasons to use Opire, take a look at some use cases that might interest you.

Benefits for Open-Source Maintainers

You lose nothing

Our bot is entirely free. You lose nothing by installing it (just a few seconds!), and you can benefit from it right away.

Gain popularity

Rewards created in your projects will attract developers interested in claiming them. This puts your project in the spotlight for great professionals.

More robust and complete software

By enabling the creation of rewards for your issues, your project advances and improves quickly. This accelerated development cycle results in more robust and resilient software, benefiting both your users and your reputation.

Expand your community

Allowing the creation of rewards not only strengthens your community, but also promotes a culture of collaboration and participation in your project.

Keep your project alive (even if you don't have time)

If, due to your circumstances, you can't dedicate as much time as you'd like to maintain your project, open the doors for other developers to help you.

Benefits for Individuals/Organizations Creating Rewards

Keep your team focused on what matters

You can gain a strategic advantage by requesting modifications to third-party libraries without compromising your developer team's resources. This flexibility allows your team to focus on areas where they can add value.

Keep using your favorite libraries

You don't have to stop using that library you love so much. That annoying bug (that no one has paid attention to) won't hold you back: create a reward for a developer to solve your problem.

Faster issue resolution

Your project dependencies will improve faster by incentivizing developers to solve the issues that matter to you.

Help the open-source to level up

Have you ever come across an open-source project that looks promising but isn't as polished as you'd like? Create rewards to have others improve it!

Support open-source

Do you feel the world owes a debt to thousands of open-source projects? Return the favor contributing to one of your favorite projects: create a reward for one of its issues or give a tip to its creators.